Monday 16 June 2014

Supervised Arts Leadership

I was given a assignment to create a video, we had to edit and put sound on it. I was in charge of the camera and filming the footage.
We had to choose a partner so chose Ryan. Me and Ryan went and filmed around college we got footage of students playing football, students walking around college we also filmed the Transporter Bridge. We got the footage we needed I started editing the video in Adobe Premier Pro, I cut-out the footage I didn’t want in my video.
I changed the colour of the video I made it more dull and give it an old effect.
I had to choose a piece of music to put on my video so chose a song called Lost at sea by a band called I-Exist
Planning and production

Before we could start the actual filming, there were some practical issues and planning needed
We would need to think of what ideas we could use for a video about the college and a mind map would be good to do this.

We would need to complete a risk assessment as although it was going to be filmed on college premises we would still need to identify and possible risks or hazards during production of the video.
After deciding on suitable locations we discussed who would be taking part in the production and any dialogue, script or camera directions that would be needed.

After discussing different ways to make the video between Ryan and myself, we decided not to use any students in the actual film production - this would leave out time needed for scripts, dialogue, model consent etc and allow us to concentrate on using buildings and backgrounds as the main content for the footage.
When we had agreed on this we will need to arrange to book out camera, tripod for the morning of filming.
I am going to look on YouTube for a piece of music to use in the final film.

Production Log

26th November 2013
This is the day that the brief was given.

10th – 17th December 2013
During these two weeks we planned, brainstormed and mind mapped different ideas for this video.

7th -21st January 2014
Between these three weeks, as a group we planned and created the pre-production documents that we need for this shoot. We have created a Risk Assessment, a Treatment, an equipment booking form, This is so that everything is prepared when it comes to doing the shoot.

28th January 2014
Today was the day of our production shoot. I operated the camera whilst other members of the group recorded the shots on a shooting script. The shoot when alright, there were no complications and we managed to get some really good shots.

4th February 2014
Today was reserved as a contingency day, a spare day so that if we needed any more time to shoot or get extra shots then this would have been the time to do that.

18th February 2014
We now have a week left before the deadline, so during this week I am editing the video. I have decided the audio track; it is a song by I-Exist called Lost at Sea. The reason that I have chosen this is because it’s chilled out and it’s how I want to tone of my film to be. I think I worked really well with Ryan, the other half of our team and we both worked together at all stages - me in charge of filming and him in charge of sound. He has sent me a comment at the end of this post (Biddley)

25th February 2014
Today is the submission day for my video. I managed to get it all edited and the completed to how I planned it. I am very happy with how it has turned out. If I was to create this video again I would consider using a tripod to get stable clips because some of the shots that I recorded handheld are a bit shaking. I would also get more shots so that me video was diverse and showed more of the college.

Risk Assessment
Here is my risk assessment.

I was happy with the overall video I had created but if I spent more time editing it could have made my video a lot better.
Everything went well with this assignment nothing went wrong but if I had to do it again I would have got more footage.

But we did everything we needed to, the editing wasn't hard to do and the location that we needed to film was hard to get to because it was just outside of our classroom. The software that we needed to edit our footage was easily available to us and I knew what I needed to do and how to edit it the way I wanted it to look.

I didn't know how to add music so I asked my teacher Andy how to add the music and effects that I needed and he showed me how to do that and I also adding in a title and credits the beginning and end.

But overall I’m happy with my finished video, but I were to do it again I would spend more time editing.

Here is my finished video

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Bmx Video (Arts Award Challenge)

My Arts Award Challenge

For this assignment I was given the choice to create either a video, an animation, create something using digital graphics or design and create a website. I have chosen to create a video.
I brainstormed ideas of what i wanted my video to be about. it was out of a BMX edit, or a gaming video, My video is going to be a BMX video starring a professional BMX rider named Stevie Churchill. I love bmx with a passion i think about it all the time and its one of my favourite things in life, if im not riding my bike im watching bmx videos on the internet. The target audience for my video is going to be mainly aimed at males of all ages, and to anyone who is interested in BMX.
I looked at bmx videos on YouTube to get an idea on how I want my video to look.
I chose to do my video using iMovie i have never used that program before so i was a little nervous.
I had to produce a video, although sound was not required, this made it a lot easier and because of this and because I knew where I was going to find the footage to create my video, it did not take me very long to plan. The video that I wanted to use was on YouTube, this meant that I had to download the video in order to edit it myself. I downloaded it using I was able to get away with using this footage because I have referenced the person who I downloaded it off as well as give them credit; plus I am not using it in order to sell or make money, it is only for educational purposes; therefore this makes it okay for me to use.
Once I had the footage, I then had to edit it. I did this on the Apple Mac computers and used the software iMovie. There I cut of and rearranged clips that I did and did not like here is a screenshot of me editing the video.

For the audio, I left it blank, this is because I ran out of time. But in the future I still have the opportunity to add some. Possible tracks I could use would be rap style or a similar style of music.
When I was planning my video,

If I was to do this project again, then I would take my take during the edit as I left it to the last minute. Also I would take more time in the planning what my actually video would look like. Also I would have liked to have a lot more footage, maybe for other riders doing different skills and tricks; this then would appeal to a larger audience, for example the fans of those riders. I would have liked to have included and audio track to make my video more interesting to watch. I would have had the music track to match the pace of the video. The suggestion I was given after I had finished the edit, was that I could have put edits and filters over my video, This would have made my video look technically good and different to other videos. So apart for the miner problems, like not leaving myself enough time during the edit, but other than that I am happy with how my video has turned out.

Here is my finished video.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Film Club Review: The Big Lebowski

This is a review of the film "The Big Lebowski" which was shown at Middlesbrough College Film Club in February 2014.

When "The Dude" Lebowski is mistaken for a millionaire Lebowski, two thugs ruin his rug to coerce him into paying a debt he knows nothing about. While attempting to gain recompense for the ruined rug from his wealthy counterpart, he accepts a one-time job with high pay-off. He enlists the help of his bowling buddy, Walter, a gun-toting Jewish-convert with anger issues. Deception leads to more trouble, and it soon seems that everyone from porn empire tycoons to nihilists want something from The Dude.
(storyline written by Written by J. Lake at

Q) What kinds of film do you look for when choosing a film for film club?
A) I look for a film that has a good story.

Q) Why did you choose to select this particular film for film club?
A) Clive chose the film.

Q) What is the genre for the film?
A) Gritty Crime Comedy.

Q) What is the age rating for the film? Why?
A) Its rated 18 because of the drug use and bad language.

Q) How does the film tell its story?
A) The film is about  "The Dude".

Q) What are the names of the main characters?

After the film:

Q) How well do you think the film told its story?
A) The film is all over the place.

Q) Did it keep your interest throughout? What were the best parts of the film?
A) Sort of, i got a bit bored, I have seen the film before and i wouldn't have chose to watch it again.
Q)  Did You think this film was a good choice for film club?
A) No not really, because i thought it was a bit of a weird choice for film club.