Tuesday 20 May 2014

Bmx Video (Arts Award Challenge)

My Arts Award Challenge

For this assignment I was given the choice to create either a video, an animation, create something using digital graphics or design and create a website. I have chosen to create a video.
I brainstormed ideas of what i wanted my video to be about. it was out of a BMX edit, or a gaming video, My video is going to be a BMX video starring a professional BMX rider named Stevie Churchill. I love bmx with a passion i think about it all the time and its one of my favourite things in life, if im not riding my bike im watching bmx videos on the internet. The target audience for my video is going to be mainly aimed at males of all ages, and to anyone who is interested in BMX.
I looked at bmx videos on YouTube to get an idea on how I want my video to look.
I chose to do my video using iMovie i have never used that program before so i was a little nervous.
I had to produce a video, although sound was not required, this made it a lot easier and because of this and because I knew where I was going to find the footage to create my video, it did not take me very long to plan. The video that I wanted to use was on YouTube, this meant that I had to download the video in order to edit it myself. I downloaded it using onlinevideoconverter.com. I was able to get away with using this footage because I have referenced the person who I downloaded it off as well as give them credit; plus I am not using it in order to sell or make money, it is only for educational purposes; therefore this makes it okay for me to use.
Once I had the footage, I then had to edit it. I did this on the Apple Mac computers and used the software iMovie. There I cut of and rearranged clips that I did and did not like here is a screenshot of me editing the video.

For the audio, I left it blank, this is because I ran out of time. But in the future I still have the opportunity to add some. Possible tracks I could use would be rap style or a similar style of music.
When I was planning my video,

If I was to do this project again, then I would take my take during the edit as I left it to the last minute. Also I would take more time in the planning what my actually video would look like. Also I would have liked to have a lot more footage, maybe for other riders doing different skills and tricks; this then would appeal to a larger audience, for example the fans of those riders. I would have liked to have included and audio track to make my video more interesting to watch. I would have had the music track to match the pace of the video. The suggestion I was given after I had finished the edit, was that I could have put edits and filters over my video, This would have made my video look technically good and different to other videos. So apart for the miner problems, like not leaving myself enough time during the edit, but other than that I am happy with how my video has turned out.

Here is my finished video.